Artisphere Log: Week 9

The maze/labyrinth made from the detritus left after sericulture-practice (raising silkworms) is a tour in the form of a passage made out of round rubber stepping “stone-shapes” through which the solver must find a route. The pathways and the floor installation constructed with mulberry sticks, worm frass, and cocoons, in the maze, are relatively fixed but can be redirected and changed from one day to the other. Paths can change during the time the floor installation is constructed.

Participants enter at one spot, and exit at another. The idea could be to reach a certain spot in the maze as well.

Technically the maze is distinguished from the Labyrinth, which has a single through-route with twists and turns but without branches, and is not designed to be as difficult to navigate. In everyday speech, both maze and labyrinth denote a complex and confusing series of pathways.  The pathway set in the Artisphere AIR studio is not so much confusing as it is perhaps more of a sensory navigation and inquiry for participants.
